Wednesday, March 9, 2011

What Color Stockings To Wear With A Black Skirt

The Tofu with Calamari

Cucinare, con amore e passione. Questo è ciò che faccio tutti i giorni. Correndo, inventando, abbozzando spesso, ahimè!  Certo mi rendo conto che ad evere più tempo, più  costanza, più tranquillità e più strumenti  a disposizione...sarebbe tutt'un'altra storia, non c'è dubbio! Ma io lavoro dalle 9 alle 19...e quest'è! Perdonatemi, vorrei darvi di più, ma non ce la faccio. Però per questo piatto ho usato la mia meravigliosa pentola in coccio che certo ci mette un po' più di tempo nel cuocere, ma il risultato ne vale la pena...mmmhhh che bontà! Nessun paragone con l'acciaio, la pentola  a pressione i tegami in super tecnologie moderne ecc. ecc. Ma soprattutto ho usato una meravigliosa pasta formato "calamarata", trafila in Bronzo della Voiello....
Nessun paragone, fidatevi!

Questa la ricetta

250 gr di pasta tipo calamarata, della Voiello;
300 gr di calamari;
200 gr di passata di pomodoro o pomodorini freschi;
aglio e peperoncino;
olio d’oliva;
mezzo bicchiere di vino bianco secco;
 prezzemolo e origano freschi

LEAN squid, and cut them into small pieces and put them in a pan with olive oil, garlic and chilli. Fry a little 'and sprinkle with ½ cup dry white wine, add tomatoes or tomato puree and cook for about twenty minutes, adding a bit' of water if necessary.
In the meantime, put water in a pot for the pasta and, at the boil, add salt and add the squid.

Cook for at least 10 minutes. Drain the pasta and pour into the pan with the sauce.

Skip the pasta, add the herbs off and Serve.

... and that's it ...... good appetite and buonumoreincucina everyone!

Until next time,

Derek Webb I See Things Upside Down Mediafire

Necklace "Kauai"

With this new creation
I played a bit with the imagination, inspired by the islands and tropical seas ... perhaps because you start to feel like sun, sea and especially hot!
The necklace is composed of a string of peridot chips and pellets of polished coral.

When it comes to coral is thought to inevitably tropical reefs, but coral and coral are two slightly different things to their natural composition.
The coral belongs to more than 700 different species that have invaded the tropical seas over the years by building massive walls teeming with marine life.
Regarding the peridot, is a natural stone that I've used in the past and I have already spoken of its features ... you can find in the post dedicated to Sunstone necklace !

Peridot and coral are two natural stones that originate in tropical seas and islands, so I decided to call this series Kauai, named after the oldest island belonging to the archipelago of Hawaii. An island green and lush, nicknamed the "Garden Island".