Questo è il racconto di una mia prima volta: prima volta nella preparazione di una ricetta con tofu ;-)
Inutile scrivere tutte le virtù del tofu, inutile dirvi che è ricco di proteine e lecitine, esente da grassi e colesterolo, e che è una delle più valide alternative alle proteine di origine animale e bla bla bla….credo che tutti voi, esperti foodbloggers, ne sappiate, di sicuro, più di me.
Insomma, for some 'time I had this jar of tofu-toki that every morning when I took the box of cookies for breakfast, I watched as a begging: "Come on, now it's my turn?" Sure enough, move the pot further, and answer to myself: "Not today, maybe tomorrow!"
So round and round are the past weeks, months, until a few days ago, now overwhelmed by this sad morning ritual I am convinced and I started looking on the net suggestions for preparation. And then: roasted tofu, fried tofu, tofu in sauce, stewed tofu, tofu with vegetables, tofu salad, tofu marinated spit .... In short, I found lots of recipes and for everyone, but in each of these there was some way, or some ingredient that did not convince me. In the end, as almost always happens to me, I've cooked with simple, beloved by my family and easy to find.
The result was excellent I must say. The bitter taste of Catalonia, together with the sweetness of the beans, added a little something extra to the taste that has the tofu itself.
So even this first time was a victory: my!
So even this first time was a victory: my!
to you the recipe: Ingredients
250 grams of tofu;
300 gr di fagioli cannellini già lessati;
300/400 gr di catalogna;
un po’ di brodo vegetale;
olio d’oliva;
sale e pepe nero q.b.
Preparate il brodo vegetale (sedano carota e cipolla).
Pulite la catalogna e fatela bollire, dopo averla ben lavata, in acqua portata a bollore per qualche minuto. Scolate e tenete da parte. Tagliate i panetti di tofu sgocciolati in pezzi. Fate scaldare una padella dove avrete versato un filo di olio di oliva e uno spicchio di aglio, mettete la catalogna e fate insaporire per qualche minuto.
Then add the tofu and beans, previously heated to the tooth.
Turn right and after a few minutes pour the hot broth and cover with a lid. Cook for about 20 minutes, stirring often and adding salt. Turn off the heat and add freshly ground black pepper at will.
... and that's it ...... good appetite and buonumoreincucina everyone!
Until next time,
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