Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Will Bell Dish Work On Shaw Direct

Gateau di patate con cuore tenero di carciofi

I had said and I did! What I like when I can carry out their commitments! Yes, I do not always I can, alas! However, this recipe is meant to Elisa's "Cuocicucidici" and its beautiful environment Hart to Hart.
E 'was a bit' difficult to make equal portions for everyone, but playing on the "asimettricità" forms ... I DID IT! Here's the recipe:

Ingredients 1 kg and 1 / 2 potatoes;
3 eggs;
grated Parmesan and Roman;
slices of mortadella, smoked
Provolette cut into chunks;
artichokes (the amount of potatoes I used 5);
olive oil poached garlic
sale e pepe q.b.;
un po' di burro

Mettete le patate, ben sciacquate, in pentola con acqua fredda e fate cuocere fino a quando non saranno tenere (inserite una forchetta  per controllare la cottura).

Una volta cotte, scolatele, fatele raffreddare, pelatele e passatele allo schiacciapatate.
Unite al purè le 3 uova intere, sale e pepe q.b., formaggio grattugiato a piacere (io ho mischiato grana e romano) e mescolate fino ad avere un impasto morbido e omogeneo.
Nel frattempo Clean the artichokes, keeping only the part of the heart, the most tender, put them in water and lemon juice to prevent them discolouring. Take a pan pour a little olive oil on the bottom and fry the garlic in a shirt. Then add the artichokes, drained the water with a lid and cook for about ten minutes, stirring often and adding, if necessary, a little water. Once cooked, pass them in a container (throwing away the garlic) and set aside.
Butter and sprinkle with breadcrumbs, the dish choice. Make a layer of potato mixture, then a layer of sliced \u200b\u200bpieces of mortadella and Scamorzine, then a layer of artichokes.

Cover everything with another layer of potatoes, level the surface. Complete with bread crumbs and butter flakes, then away, in the oven at 180 degrees for about 45 minutes.

ps those cute little hearts that you see in the main photo are just for show. In fact they are useful for sugar and sweet preparations. I have used them anyway because they are too cute!
... and that's it ...... good appetite and buonumoreincucina everyone!

Until next time,

With this recipe I participate in the contest ... Cuocicucidici



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